Spoorthi Institute of Para Medical Scienses was established in the year 2007 to impart and train the eligible and interested students. The Institute offers Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology and Diploma in Health Inspector which is a 3 year and 3 months for S.S.L.C / X std students or 2 year and 3 months for II PUC / XII students Diploma courses.

Our College puts stress on both quality and quantity supported by our dedicated faculty & guest lectures, Seminars and workshops are arranged frequently by eminent personalities of the industry. The students benefit directly from the professional environment in which they study and live.

Paramedical courses are getting more importance in health care service. In the recent years, there has been a growing need for qualified and well-trained Para Medical personnel who form an integral component of medical profession.

Our Institute provide quality knowledge and training in the field of Para Medical and allied Medical sciences at the grass root level, and provide its students vocational knowledge, that is job oriented, so that the students are ahead of others without wasting their precious time and money in academic courses, which are not so relevant in today's competitive environment.

Notice Board / Announcements

Admission Opens for Academic Year 2023-24.

Recognised By Govt.of Karnataka, Affiliated To Para Medical Board,

To be a world class program, where we will be provide an exceptional educational experience.

Very few seats are remaining for Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology and Diploma in Health Inspector- DHI

Contact Immediately -  7795652417 (Principal)

Courses Offered

Diploma In Medical Laboratory Technology - DMLT

Diploma In Medical laboratory technology - DMLT is the branch of medical science responsible for performing laboratory investigations relating to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. After completion of the course they can go for higher education regular as well as in distance education like B Sc in MLT, Cardiology, Anesthesiology, Perfusion Technology, Cathlab, CBZ, Chemistry & etc. and further they can also go for Food Inspector Job Exams.
3 years Plus 3 months internship for S.S.L.C / X std students or 2 years Plus 3 months internship for II PUC (science) / XII students diploma course pursued after the successful completion of the 10+2 level of education.

Diploma In Health Inspector - DHI

Paramedical professionals hold an important place in the healthcare sector. Although the real decision making lies in the hands of doctors and surgeons, paramedical professionals make sure that the guidelines suggested by doctors are implemented in a proper manner.
Diploma in Health Inspector is a paramedical diploma which can be pursued after passing Class 10 or 12. The duration of the diploma can be 3 years Plus 3 months internship for S.S.L.C / X std students or 2 years Plus 3 months internship for II PUC (science / PCMB) / XII students, depending upon the candidate qualification. Candidates have to complete the study for respective years, to attain completion certificate for the course.

Our Faculty

SI No. Name Designation Qualification Subject
1 Basavaraj G Kammr Principal M.Sc Bio-chemistry
2 Ashwini Bidarageri Lecturer M.Sc Physics
3 Roopa Ganesh Gouli Lecturer M.Sc Biology
4 M T Badiger Lecturer MA English
5 Dr Rathnaprabha Lecturer MD Subject Expert
6 Dr Girish Siddappa Kenchappanavar Lecturer MBBS Subject Expert
7 Dr Khaleelullah Mohammed Haneef Lecturer MBBS Subject Expert
8 Miss Nayana R G Tutor DHI Microbiology
9 Vidya Kambali Muttr Typist - -
10 Zaki Ulla Mulla Computer Operator - -
11 Rekha Hadapad Group D - -
SI No. Name Designation Qualification Subject
1 Basavaraj G Kammr Principal M.Sc Bio-chemistry
2 Ashwini Bidarageri Lecturer M.Sc Physics
3 Roopa Ganesh Gouli Lecturer M.Sc Biology
4 M T Badiger Lecturer MA English
5 Dr Rathnaprabha Lecturer MD Subject Expert
6 Dr Girish Siddappa Kenchappanavar Lecturer MBBS -
7 Dr Khaleelullah Mohammed Haneef Lecturer MBBS Subject Expert
8 Miss Nayana R G Tutor DHI Microbiology
9 Vidya Kambali Muttr Typist - -
10 Zaki Ulla Mulla Computer Operator - -
11 Rekha Hadapad Group D - -


Spoorthi Institute of Paramedical Sciences College is one of the pioneer paramedical institute in Ranebennur,
Haveri with all facilities (teaching & clinical) under one umbrella.

Building & Class Rooms

We are Providing Class rooms and required amenities for teaching and learning. Modern teaching aids like Television, Overhead Projector, LCD Projector, white boards etc are extensievly used for the delivery of education


The institute has a well equipped Library comprising a number of reference books from different authors and publishers eventually an opportunity for students.


The college has got its own laboratory comprising of latest equipments. All laboratories are well equipped as per the norms. Experiments are conducted so that the basic concepts are well understood by the students.

Clinical Facility

Clinical Facilities are provided for training to the students at Hospitals, Community Health Centres and Primary Health Centres. Apart from this we have Associated for Internship with Hospitals

Dedicated & Experienced Faculty

We puts stress on both quality and quantity supported by our dedicated & Experienced faculty, Seminars and workshops are arranged frequently by eminent personalities of the industry.

Dress Code

Dress code brings unity and eliminates discrimination, hence a compulsory dress code provided by the management would therefore serve the purpose

Admission Procedures

Admission Procedures & Affiliations

The application form for admission to the Para medical Courses is issued by the College Office. Students seeking admission can obtain the application form by paying the prescribed fee. The application form is non transferable. Duly filled in application forms are to be submitted at the concerned section of the College Office within the prescribed date of submission.

The following points are to be noted.
  • All admission are subjected to the eligibility condition of Para Medical Board,     Government of Karnataka.
  • All original certificates Should be produced at the time of admission.
  • Admission secured on the basis of false information submitted shall stand     cancelled and the fees non refundable.
  • Student seeking admission must be introduced in person by his/her parent     or responsible guardian at the time of admission.
  • All original certificates Should be produced at the time of admission.
  • Students eligible for admission at the time of joining the college must give     an undertaking that they will agree to the rules and regulations of the     college.
  • If any student decides to leave the college after getting admitted for any     course fees collected will not be refunded under any circumstance.
Documents should be enclosed with filling in application
  • Original SSLC / PUC /+2 / PDC/ HSC/ CBSE marks card: + 5 Attested Xerox     Copies.
  • Original Transfer certificate: + 5 Attested Xerox Copies.
  • A Original Conduct certificate: + 5 Attested Xerox Copies.
  • Original Income certificate: + 5 Attested Xerox Copies.
  • Original Caste certificate: + 5 Attested Xerox Copies.
  • 10 Nos Passport Photos with PMB Dress Code.

Affiliations & Approvals


Contact Us

Management : K M E Society Ranebennur

SI No. Name Designation Mobile Number
1 Mr. N.B.Mulla President +91 - 9242867718
2 Mr. Sarfaraz Mulla Secretery +91 - 7829354892
3 Basavaraj G Kammar Office Administrator / Principal +91 - 7795652417


Shri Ram Nagar, 1st Cross, P.B.Road, Ranebennur - 581115, Haveri,Karnataka, India


9242867718 / 7829354892 / 7795652417

Email & Office Hours


10:00am To 5:00pm